Thursday, March 6, 2008
Ran out of disk space on the server. Deleted unneeded files. Archived data to DVDRW. Adjusted Retrospect configuration. Met with Carol about archiving e-mail. Computer maintenance: updates. Did a RAM upgrade on the shared office white MacBook (Sep 2006). Donated to it a 1 GB RAM SODIMM which came with my iMac from home. It now has 2 GB of RAM. Archived data to DVDRW. Computing support for students followup with Kirk H. Blackberry service followup with Mark B. Flip4Mac order followup with Hubert. Chatted with Eric about Flash transitions. Website migration followup with Kirk F and Julie B. Lunch: fish and chips at Burgermeister, Cole Valley. Chatted on the phone with Kirk H. Sent websteering lunch reminder. Investigated clean URLs in ExpressionEngine and Daisy. Watched the iPhone SDK announcement (cool!). Home. Helped Patrick fold laundry. Worked on the spice rack project. To convert an old Napa Valley cassette rack to a spice rack, I'm adding some black elastic cord to ensure that the spices don't fall out of the rack and break. I did one row successfully then realized that to do the other 2 rows I'm going to need 2 additional strips of wood. Dinner at home with Patrick: potatoes o'ryan, corn on the cob, grilled salmon with fresh dill. Purchased an 8 GB SDHC memory card to go with my new camera—only $40! Also purchased a mini (89-key) keyboard just in case I have a need for keys that are missing from the Apple wired keyboard that comes with the iMac (December 2007). The keyboard is the Adesso ACK-595UB, and this is also the same mini keyboard used in Kalmanovitz Library at UCSF. The left Alt key is in an imperfect location, but I'm not planning to use it regularly at all. The only other way it could be better for me is if it were also wireless. Tried to figure out how to install Darwine or Wine but couldn't and gave up after a while. Why do they make it so hard? Found Kevin S today on d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s (I can never remember where the periods go) because he and I were the only 2 people who had saved the new UCSF listserv management website and delicious lets me see who else saved the same URLs as I did. Sneaky! is neat.