Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Continued running 4K Virtual Hike Near River through the Forest - Baker River Trail & Chain Lake Trail via 4K Relaxation Channel on YouTube. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with milk, walnut pieces, blueberries, cinnamon. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Siteimprove: linkchecking and followup with IT about a recent problem report I submitted. Alerted James to a problem I found with our profile pages after a related report from Angela K. Met briefly with Susie about the PharmD to PhD career path and other topics. 1:1 with Eric. Webadmin team meeting. Edits related to the PharmD to PhD career path. Helped La'Trece with a purchase she needed to do. Removed unnecessary font markup from pages, mostly in pharm. Lunch: leftover mac and cheese. Snacks: dried plums, unsalted mixed nuts. Read CSS Layout News 240. Styling work for QBC and grad programs migration to pharm. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: spinach and two-cheese grilled sandwiches, chili for Patrick, leftover pumpkin soup with pepitas for me, water. Afterwards we watched some of the CBS election coverage on Locast but then stopped because the People's Court commercials were out of control. We watched the same on CBS All Access and then got bored after a while since it was still far too early to know the outcome of the election and we weren't going to stay up several more hours just to find out. Watched various clips on YouTube, mostly Comedy Central. Patrick went to bed. Replaced ear pads on my QC25 headphones. Washed dishes. Late snack: sesame rice chips with grated mozzarella heated in the toaster oven. Late dessert: one Lucerne root beer float ice cream bar.