Friday, January 4, 2019
Breakfast at home with Patrick: chocolate croissant and croissant, 8 ounces of orange juice, 8 ounces of hot earl gray tea. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Sprint standup. Installed BetterTouchTool and began using it, starting with mapping a gesture to Command+Tab. Experimented with Apple's Dictation accessibilty feature. Siteimprove work. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Mt. Zion. Walked to lunch in the Fillmore. Lots of places were crowded. I ended up at Woodhouse Fish Company and had fish tacos with hot water and cold water: $20.27 before a $4 tip. Service by Sarah D was excellent. Stopped at Spice Ace for Jordanian za'atar. More Siteimprove work. Errand at Bryan's grocery. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner with Patrick, Kerry, Mom Ryan: chicken in hoisin sauce, baby bok choy with garlic. Dessert: pumpkin pie with whipped cream from a can. Returned to using Sleep Cycle because the Bedtime alarm built in to iOS Clock didn't let me choose my own song track to which to wake, and I didn't like any of its alarms. Lost all my sleep quality history.