Sunday, December 30, 2018

Breakfast at home: one small pear, leftover dungeness crab cellophane noodles, hot water. Walked to El Cafe for iced tea. Walked and rode Muni to 15th Avenue House. Chatted for a while with Phil, Drew, Danny, and Romy before and after brunch at Hong Kong Lounge (5322 Geary Blvd). Near the end of the meal Danny took off to meet a client. We all walked back to 15th Avenue House and chatted more. I left behind a late birthday gift for Chris. I attempted to ride Muni home, but the arrival prediction times kept changing and no bus appeared. After 20 minutes I gave up and rode UberX home. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken piccatta with vadouvan carrots, Hint. Late snack: leftover dungeness crab cellophane noodles, hot water. Stopped using Sleep Cycle for iOS after many years of using it continuously, no particular reason why except that my sleep patterns are probably not so erratic as to warrant tracking.