Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: omelette with mixed cheeses, trumpet mushrooms, rosemary, and garlic; buttermilk rolls; hot darjeeling with milk. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Styling work: microsites identity retheme. Lunch: leftovers from last night. Siteimprove work: linkchecking. Asana task review. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. The holiday schedule claimed that shuttles were running every 40 minutes instead of every 20, but it was worse than that. I know because I sat outside in the cold for 30 minutes starting when the next shuttle was supposed to have arrived (because I saw one pass outside my window 40 minutes earlier). Snack from Panda Express: three potstickers with dipping sauce: about $2. Worked from Millberry Union food court then later an S classroom because the library was closed for the holiday break. Rode Uber Pool to Alamo Drafthouse New Mission (2550 Mission Street). Met Patrick. We saw If Beale Street Could Talk. Dr. Pepper for Patrick, Cool Jerk for me. We shared a fennel-sausage pizza and a beet salad. $52.98 before an $11 tip. We both loved the film. Rode UberX home.