Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: oatmeal with fixins. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Microsites identity retheme: finding and resolving small issues on test, asked Ruben to set up dns for test calpoison. Early lunch: leftover beef pot roast and mashed potatoes, water from my water bottle. Worked with Eric to prep three brand identity resources announcements then sent two of them. Afternoon snack: Cheez-it crackers. Walked to an errand at Bevmo to get orange flower water for Patrick. Along the way I saw a flash of light in the sky followed by a brightly lit contrail that lasted for maybe 10 minutes or so. I later learned that the contrail is a rarely seen kind of noctilucent cloud. I didn't know what it was but was too busy walking to the bus stop to take a photo. Dinner at home with Patrick. Patrick had an English muffin, half with labneh and herbs de Provence, the other half with butter and peanut butter. I had leftover tomato soup and leftover cacciatore chicken with tortiglioni. For dessert I made a cocktail for myself. It's called The North Pole Cocktail by Half-baked Harvest. We didn't have chocolate syrup so I substituted ginger syrup. The recipe said it makes four servings. I cut everything by 4 since I was making only one, but it still gave me only about 1.5 ounces of liquid so if you ask me the recipe makes only two servings. Recharge Medical work: made an ID card, reviewed next steps for a holiday greeting html email. Late snack: one TJ's candy cane Joe Joe, three half-slices of Semifreddi's rustic sour bread with smoked cheddar, toasted.