Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Breakfast at home: Patrick prepared for me two apple turnovers from frozen with hot Tazo darjeeling tea. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Followup with golive of SOP brand identity signs page: emails to Taryn I and Julie E. Followup with Terran O about biochem people feeds which went down briefly today. Styling work: another quicklinks fix. Lunch at JCCSF: steak sandwich, fries and ketchup, water from my water bottle. Today I noticed that my meal was again slightly colder than expected even though I told the woman at the register that I was going to sit outside to eat. Set up dbts redirects that should have been set up a long time ago but never were. Alexa requested a new html email template and following some Slack chat I prepared that for her. Lots of task followup, particularly with CPT. John K implemented the redirects I requested some time ago. Errands: mailed a package in a UPS drop box, Walgreens. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken cacciatore with tortiglioni, tap water, red wine. Filed clothes that Patrick had washed and folded earlier.