Sunday, December 2, 2018

Breakfast at home: one-egg omelette with cheese blend and fines herbes on a slice of rye, leftover rosemary biscuits, one pint of hot water. Long nap. Snack: tortilla chips with guacamole. Dinner at home with Patrick: mahi mahi, tomato, and zucchini en papillote with breaded, deep-fried quinoa; ciabatta; san pell for Patrick; Hint for me. We had some trouble getting the mahi mahi to cook properly because with en papillote you can't see or easily test the doneness—there seems to be some guesswork involving a lot of variables. Eventually with one retry it finished cooking and was a delicious meal. Dessert: raspberry-cherry Jell-O with whipped cream from a can. Afterwards we watched Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series part 15 on purchased DVD. Archived documents.