Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: fresh fruit and dried fruit salad, half english muffin with butter, boiled egg with salt and pepper, 8 ounces of orange juice. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. 1:1 with Eric. Styling work: microsites identity retheme and image sizes, consulting briefly with James H. Lunch at Eliza's: egg drop soup, crispy noodles with vegetables, hot tea. $13.10 before a $2.50 tip. My fortune: Follow your heart for success in the coming week. Resolved content and other issues related to the Beyond the PharmD page and a CERSI fellowship page. Chatted briefly with Eric, Grant, and Levi. Levi told a story about how heating his iPhone on his Mac Mini strangely enabled it to recover from battery charging failure. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Stopped by the Dean's Office Administration office to say hello to Liana and Karen and to pick up a bottle of wine as a gift for helping at the recent Gibson memorial. Rode Uber Pool home since the Nextbus indicated that one bus on Muni route 66 was unavailable. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken enchiladas with black beans, red wine.