Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: banana-stuffed chocolate pancakes, chocolate mint tea. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Sprint standup. Chatted with Levi about PharmD content possibilities. Followup with Julia M about her request. Lunch at B Star: honey key lime iced tea, I chose two items for lunch on the run: stuffed chicken platha, fresh vegetable spring rolls (2 pieces): $25 after a $5 tip. Completed and committed styling work to resolve issues involving link accessibility and more. More Siteimprove and Asana task followup. Rode Uber Pool Express to Alamo Drafthouse New Mission. Met Patrick. We saw Deadpool 2. We shared popcorn (no butter) and a cobb salad with drinks: $75.07 after a $12 tip. Rode UberX home.