Saturday, May 19, 2018

Slept in. Repaired my Scotch and Shrunk long-sleeve white t-shirt with a green hawaiian stripe across the chest and back which had developed a hole in the right armpit. House chores: dusting and vacuuming. Rearranged power cords for the dining table lights to be more hidden. Reorganized the speakers and power cords in the living room so that the subwoofer is in the bookcase rather than under Patrick's old desk. Did lots of cleaning alongside that same project. Dinner at home with Patrick: acorn squash, adzuki beans, and tofu in broth over steamed jasmine and forbidden rice; Hint water. Watched half of The Hitman's Bodyguard on Netflix DVD with Patrick, Opolo chamomile liqueur, and microwave popcorn. This action film surprised us with its hilarious scenes.