Thursday, May 17, 2018

Slept in a little. No time for breakfast today. Rode Uber Pool Express to UCSF Laurel Heights. Sprint standup. Orgchart work. Styling work. Lunch from The View Cafe: wonton soup with egg noodles. Asana task followup and cleanup. Chatted briefly with Joel about a banana slug pin and about supp app payment gathering. Afternoon snack from The View Cafe: small order of fried rice. Linkchecking. Chatted with Susie about a new Keynote project. Began a new Keynote presentation for Susie: CTT. Rode UberX to the Castro. Met Patrick at R by Rolo where we shopped a few minutes before closing and didn't buy anything. Drinks and dinner at Hi Tops where we arrived a little before they changed the screens from sports to Ru Paul's Drag Race, of which Patrick is a fan and reliable viewer. We encountered Thomas G whom we hadn't seen in a long time and chatted about economics, philosophy, worrying, behavior, religion, Buddhism, our jobs, traveling, Spain, Italy, technology, Facebook, and iPads while eating burgers, salad, and fries and watching RBDR.