Thursday, March 8, 2018

No apparent problems with the iOS 11 upgrade on the iPad Pro. Rode Uber Pool Express to UCSF Laurel Heights. Breakfast from The View Cafe: plain bagel, toasted, with cream cheese; V8: $2.90. Sprint standup. Troubleshot with Eric problems I had with seeing biophysics on local dev. We got part way and then gave up trying to get content images to appear correctly. He also helped me resolve a problem that Katherine K had reported about being unable to create a new job posting. (We believe that she was accidentally on the wrong site when doing so.) I initiated a message with Susan K to see if they wanted to use our Email on Acid account. Styling fixes. Worked with Eric to resolve some long-standing tasks. Lunch at Beautifull!: kale salad, lemon-dill potatoes, water from my water bottle. Encountered Michael C on his way to lunch, chatted briefly. More task followup. Rode Uber Pool Express home. On the way I began watching The Ray Bradbury Theater, and I noticed an insect crawling on my leg, so the driver stopped the car and I let the insect out. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs pasta with creamy lentils and pecorino, Alta Palla, red wine.