Thursday, March 1, 2018

Breakfast: a banana and a pear. Rode Uber Pool to UCSF Laurel Heights. Final prep then delivery of the Update from the Dean html email via Mailchimp. Lunch at Beautifull!: two small sides: caesar kale salad, thai udon noodles. Listened to part of today's Town Hall. Microsite and task followup. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus with Eric. Drupal Users Group meeting. I showed and talked for about 30 minutes about the identity retheme project I had worked on for the past 26 months. People seemed to like it. Errand: Walgreens. Rode Uber Pool home. Met someone from Nextdoor to sell a five-drawer, black dresser that Patrick had owned since 2011. An upstairs neighbor had moved his car from the driveway only moments before the buyer arrived—whew! Dinner at home with Patrick: Patrick had pretzel rods and chicken noodle soup restored from frozen from Bryan's Grocery. I had pretzel rods and leftover five-spice noodle soup from yesterday with western mixed greens that we needed to use before they went bad. First day of using iPhone X went well. The only problems I noticed so far is that (a) in (Notification Center?) when I have a lot of items in Calendar it shows some blank lines or blank gaps in between calendar items and (b) Siri activates but doesn't respond after being given a command. Clicking the microphone in Safari to initiate a search by voice works, however. Watched part of Spiderman: Homecoming on Netflix DVD with Patrick.