Saturday, January 2, 2016

Brunch by myself at Java Beach Cafe: bacon and egg pastie (which was kind of like an empanada except they said bacon but i thought it was ham), english breakfast tea. Walked to Ocean Beach. Shopping at Sloat Garden Center: $49.70. Gardening: removed new guinea impatiens that had been underperforming for months, planted oxalis sunset velvet, oxalis burgundy, dwarf iris (katherine hodgkins), and tulips (purple prince). Organized stuff. Moved a bookcase into the garage and organized some things in it. Dinner at home with Patrick: sauteed chicken breast, sauteed potatoes with garlic and onions, steamed broccoli, white wine. Made Tina's website live then resolved problems associated with it. Notably, I needed to upgrade from PHP 5.2 to PHP 5.6 and files needed to be 664 local and 644 on the server, and folders need to be 775 local and 755 on the server.