Friday, March 28, 2014

Holiday. Breakfast at home: broccoli pancakes from frozen, mushroom omelet, two slices of toast with butter, black tea. Patrick got home and Sam stopped by for a few minutes. Sam talked about his beef with broccoli, and I said, what have you got against broccoli? House chores: vacuuming, ironing. Late lunch: leftover chicken with asparagus over rice, hot black tea. Began prepping tax filing. Troubleshot problems with Time Machine presenting a black screen or black window instead of the expected Finder window and failing to display files in a folder—backed up files were missing when they should have existed. I was unable to resolve these problems, but I worked around it by finding an older backup that worked. Watched with Patrick a bunch of episodes of Archer season 1 and episode 1 of season 2. Archived documents.