Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Had trouble sleeping last night. Called in sick; mild sore throat. Breakfast at home: basically the same thing as dinner last night. Rested. Snack: rosemary crackers, homemade kale chips, 8 ounces of apple juice, hot water. Lunch: escarole salad with grated carrot and diced dried apricot and ranch dressing, hot water. Watched a few episodes of Season 1 of Archer. Nap. Early dinner with Patrick: soup and cornbread from the Whole Foods deli. Resolved a display problem with my journal for last month. Edited and uploaded a few photos to Flickr. Late meal: leftovers. Today on Flickr I stumbled upon a photo of San Antonio Central Library and its architecture reminded me a lot of William J. Rutter Center at UCSF Mission Bay. Separated at birth?