Friday, March 1, 2013

Rode my bike to work. Encounterd Remy A while crossing the street, hello and a hug. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Followup with all about Java security: we're uninstalling Java from all computers that don't require it and disabling it in the default browser for others. 1-on-1 with Rodney. Responded to a website outage for our main site and others hosted on ServInt. The problem resolved itself within 22 minutes, was likely due to a problem at Lunch: Subway sandwich. The weather was warm and sunny today, so I ate partly in the shade next to the library talking to Leslie K finishing her lunch then later in the sun talking to Kirk H who passed by. Sent the comm team small edits for the Abate story on the homepage. Met Alex from ITFS, helped him where needed on the Java security request I submitted. Began preparing pcard paperwork. Rode my bike home. Waited for a craigslist buyer who eventually flaked. Dinner at home with Patrick: chinese chicken soup, spiked rootbeer float. Rode Muni to Rob and Sergio's place in the Castro. Met Gabby. Watched YouTube clips. Watched Magic Mike on DVD. Rode Muni home. Late meal by myself at King of Thai Noodle: fried rice with tofu and vegetables.