Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fixed some minor problems with the hours tables on the Recharge Spa website. Updated the price list for Drew with one minor change. Weight training: pec crawl. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with diced gala apple, cinnamon, soy milk, hot water. Rode Muni to work. Installed PGP Encryption Desktop on my MacBook Air for work and encrypted the drive—no problems. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Updated computer requirements pages to be set up for fall 2013. Archived website backups to external hard drive. Assisted Joel with setting up PharmAdMIT 2012 again after settings were accidentally removed. 1-on-1 conf call with Michael. Approved timesheets in HBS. Reenabled monitoring for which has been disabled over the break due to too much downtime. Check-in with John K via email. Errands: bank, atm, post office. I sat down to lunch at Soi Gow and moments later my dentist Dr. Lee walked in and upon realizing that she had planned to dine in I invited her to join me. We talked about Europe, Spain, holiday break, her teaching at UOP, iPads, new patient forms and processes , EMR, websites. An unexpected treat to the afternoon. Errand: hardware store. Finalized and placed new hardware purchases for OSACA and OEIS. Followup with hardware purchases with Cindy, Frances, and Lisa. Patrick picked me up in the car so that I could bring home the new iMac. I am not setting it up tonight. Dinner at home with Patrick: same as last night. Patrick and I had a brief chat with upstairs neighbor Jackie about recent noise issues. Lamp maintenance. Adjusted website monitoring settings for home websites. Investigated amplifier and speaker purchases, decided to not purchase anything new. Recharge Spa work for Drew: removing an employee, new job posting, new form. Late meal: leftover tofu and cabbage soup.