Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Breakfast at home: organic oatmeal with diced, organic granny smith apple; cinnamon; organic brown rice syrup; unsweetened rice milk. Still not feeling 100% recovered from the cold I've been having, so I rode Muni to work. Responded to web redesign requests from Susie: Garret is using 960 grid, exported images from the PDF comps he sent us. WebEx meeting with John K and Eric D: people content type specification. Followup to entering student TN about the computer literacy requirement. Lunch at desk: leftover curry. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Meetings and travel time pretty much the rest of the day. Web team meeting: people content type specification. IndieGoGo and Kidney Project meeting. Kidney Project meeting: lots of sitemap and content work. Susie gave me a ride back to Parnassus. Worked late: more people content type specification and other work. Very late, unsatisfying dinner at Moffitt Cafe Express: mushroom pizza slice, sundried tomato panini: $8.30. Rode Muni home.