Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Breakfast at home: 2 hash browns; 5-spice tofu, 2-egg scramble with Dorot cilantro; hot water. Drove to work. (The office paid for parking since it's the graduation banquet tonight.) Responded to a Flashback trojan question from student JG. Followup with Robbie K about confirming my name and email address is on the list for urgent notices for people in our building. Website Core Administrators Group meeting. Used the shared office iPad for the first time in a meeting. Met with Eric briefly to set up new Drupal environments for supp app. Lunch at Burgermeister with Matt S: veggie burgers with side salad. Lava Java with Matt S: ginger chai tea lattes. ICRD work for Rodney. Sent ITS feedback about the new, staged ITS website. Sent Eric D an estimated cost for Drupalcon per person: $1,500. Retested and reenabled linkchecking for all sites. Lots of file organization and email filing. Drove Lucia and Matt S to the graduation banquet. Graduation Banquet at Westin St. Francis. Drove Lucia and Matt S home. Discovered problems caused by the upgrade to OS 10.7 Lion: I received local mail with repeated error messages: "find: /usr/bin/setfile: No such file or directory". I resolved this by resymlinking /usr/bin/setfile (sudo ln -s /Developer/Tools/SetFile /usr/bin/setfile). While I was at it I also symlinked getinfo (sudo ln -s /Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo /usr/bin/getinfo). Then I found Xcode 4.3.2 in the App Store and downloaded and installed it.