Friday, December 31, 2010

Hanoi. Slept in. Packed. Walked to Quán An Ngon (18 Phan Bôi Châu). Lunch: pomelo juice, (bubble tea?), watermelon juice, macaroni with minced beef, roll-your-own fresh spring rolls. Right afterwards I realized that I forgot to take my antimalarial meds at the meal. Got a green apple tea at Highlands Coffee, took the meds. Walked around. Ended up back at ?. Dinner at Six on Sixteen (16 Bao Khanh Street): darjeeling tea, hot water. I ordered vegetarian rolls and a veggie burger. The veggie rolls took 30 minutes to arrive. They were delicious but fell apart too easily. After another 15 minutes the burger still did not arrive, so I canceled the order. Shortly thereafter I heard the manager screaming at people in the kitchen—bad feng shui for someplace that looks like it is supposed to have good feng shui. Caught a taxi back to the hotel. Missed sharing an airport taxi with Manuela by 10 minutes. Arrived at the airport at 2200 for a 2350 flight. I forgot to stuff the straps on my checked bag into itself—I hope it is not a problem. (It turned out to not be a problem.) Fly to Narita where the temperature is about 15 degrees cooler. Here is where I will begin to lose track of which day is which. I leave Hanoi at 2355 on December 31 and arrive in Tokyo at 0645 on January 1.