Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Breakfast: oatmeal with fresh diced organic granny smith apple, organic cinnamon; 12 ounces of Odwalla carrot juice. To work. Redirected some image requests to Susie. Told student LH how to distribute a message widely. Registered Eric, Susie, and I for Drupalcon SF 2010—my first use of the new university credit card on my own account. Resolved a WebDisk/WebDAV problem for Kerry M who is working on the websites for Desai and Roy. Management activities. Updated the draft of the videoconferencing web page in the communications section. Facelift project work all day. Lunch at Soi Gow by myself: garlic pepper tofu with steamed rice. Stopped at the organic produce market on Irving and bought some onions. Stopped at the Wednesday farmer's market on campus but didn't buy anything. Dinner at home by myself: large salad, chips and hummus.