Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Eric D today announced on Twitter and Picasa his recent Thanksgiving weekend engagement to Amber D—woo! Facelift project work: added box-shadow, styling. Redirected a computer support issue from Carol to DLS. Calendar sharing for the supp app project, announced. Completed revision of computer security education posters for Tiki M, sent her a PDF. Delabeled and removed packaging from Don K's new computer equipment, recorded serial numbers. Lunch: salad with Trumpet Royale mushrooms, poppyseed dressing, chow mein noodles. At lunch we talked a little about breadmaking and pretzels. Rescheduled fonts review with Eric D and Susie L. Facelift troubleshooting with Eric D: box-shadow, fade out fade in, page load and timing issues. Submitted my first UCSF electronic timesheet. I am part of the first group of people at UCSF to submit timesheets electronically, and I cannot help but recall how Adobe solved this problem about 15 years ago—all timesheets completed on the web. Pretty advanced for the mid-1990s. Patrick picked me up in the car. Shopping at Sports Basement—everything 20% off for UCSF employees tonight only. We bought a bunch of things we needed. Dinner at Mikado Sushi (415-565-0988, 1684 Bryant Street at 16th, San Francisco, California, 94103, USA). I enjoyed this meal. Good food and service, tasteful decor.