Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fixed Class B no-www compliance for the journal. Linkchecking for home websites. Breakfast: sticky rice from Simmone, hot oolong tea. Very windy today; we didn't want to leave home. Hand-sewing: a sock, the left pocket of my winter coat. Prepared my winter coat by defuzzing it and clipping away loose threads. Edited Folsom Street Fair photos. Watched some slideshows of Quyen's photos from the cruise. Printed notices and flyers about recycling and composting to post near our waste bins. Lunch at home with Patrick: homemade cow burgers, frozen wedge fries. Did some vacation planning research with Patrick. Patrick took a nap. Edited Folsom Street Fair photos. Dinner at home with Patrick: seasoned, grilled filet mignon; corn on the cob; mashed potatoes. Watched Watchmen (2009, theatrical cut) on Netflix DVD with Patrick.