Friday, March 13, 2009

Stretches. Weight training: leg lifts 3 ways (leg lift, sidelying inner thigh lift, sidelying leg lift), kneeling kickback, crunch, hip thrust. Stretches. Shower. Usual oatmeal breakfast. To work. BTS work: added back the copyright page, linked the privacy page, added various standard error pages, began Safari testing. New MacBook hung with gay beach ball of death while attempting to install Apple Software Updates. Could not gracefully shut down no matter what I tried. Cold restart. Installing updates a few at a time seemed to fix it. Submitted the following problem report to OAAIS: "PharmD student reports that when she logs in to OWA her folder names appear either as question marks or as Chinese characters instead of English characters. I asked her if at one time she connected to e-mail using a computer with Chinese language settings in Windows and she said yes, once, with her mom's computer. She wants the folder names restored to English if possible. I confirmed that the problem happens in Firefox 3.0.7 for Mac as well as IE7 for Windows. We looked in OWA Options on both platforms and found no language settings other than spellcheck, which did not fix the problem when we set it to English. Please reset the language setting to English for her on the server side if that's possible. Or, let us know how she can restore the language to English. (To me it seems obvious that question marks appear when a universal font which includes Chinese characters is not available to the operating system and thus to the browser.) Thanks! p.s. I found the pages at and but could not figure them out—they appear to be related to the server side." Helped student IP with questions about Microsoft Office. Listserv management. Helped Susie find the path to a shared network folder. Lunch from the cafeteria: cheddar junior burger, onion rings. More BTS work: recreated the copyright leftnav image, more error page work, adjusted the temporary code for the Flash placeholder and the tagline, revised the footer, purchased an image from istockphoto and inserted it, small edits for Susie. UCSF Comm followup. Calendar management. Coded an html email from the dean. Couldn't get access to the shared network folder that Cesar had set up for us last May, so I walked the file down to Sue and installed it. Listserv management. More BTS work: added links to co-chair profiles. 27 items in my inbox. Chatted briefly online with Nate. Dinner at home with Patrick: pig chops, gnocchi, steamed spinach, hot water.