Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Usual oatmeal breakfast except no sugars. BTS website meeting at Rock Hall, Lisa bought peasant pies and drinks for the meeting, so that was lunch. Chatted with Eric D and Susie afterwards. Shuttle back to Parnassus. Helped student AP with Outlook issues. Minor web edits. Bowl of Hygeia page edits for Cindy—we're now adding photos of the recipients where possible—woo! Dinner at home with Patrick: pizza, corn on the cob. Apple Store: dropped off my broken iMac. I had to laugh out loud when Paul the Apple genius pulled out a stethoscope and began listening for the strange sounds I reported coming from within the iMac. Estimate: 5 days. Everything with a motoer inside is getting replaced. Home. Stretches. Weight training: various lower body workouts. Stretches. Late meal: hot nonfat milk, cow-flavored rame with fresh garlic and green onions and egg, black seedless grapes which weren't really seedless, black cherry yogurt.