Friday, September 12, 2008

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Web edit for orientation. Updated presentation slides. Removed and reinstalled Acrobat in Vista. Reported cigarette smoke coming through my vent to facilities. I asked to speak to a manager last time about cigarette smoke and no one called me back. Lunch with Joel at Nan King Road Bistro. Uninstalled Acrobat, restarted, uninstalled all CS3 suite applications, restarted, reinstalled all CS3 suite applications. Updated class officers photo document for Cindy. Small web edits. Met 1-on-1 with Eric D. Added new students to intern jobs listserv. Created student leadership listserv. Delivered current class spreadsheet to staff. Updated current students news. Orientation starts on Monday, and we're all excited in the office. We're bringing 122 new and very qualified students in to our PharmD program. Joel asked me if I was excited, and I told him, "Yeah! It means we get free food all week!" which is not too much of an exaggeration. Welcome—now eat! is a message that comes across rather well, and our office often gets leftovers after the new students have had their fill. Chatted with Eric V who stayed over 2 hours late to get work done—yikes! Updated the leadership photos document for Cindy. Helped student JU with Flickr. Notified Jann and Heidi about our desired MyAccess migration window—December 9 to 22. Listserv work. Updated the current students spreadsheet. Dinner at home with Patrick: organic new york strip steak courtesy of Aaron, sauteed zucchini, and some multigrain pilaf from Trader Joe's that was too spicy for me. Dessert for me: organic key lime yogurt. Downloaded Seattle photos from the camera to the computer. I have some annoying water spots (or something) showing up on all my photos—gotta get that fixed. We watched 3 short clips on the NBC Heroes website. They weren't very good—Patrick was laughing during some parts like when the woman grabbed the cat before she left. Acting was rather uneven and the production lacked the polish of the real show—we can tell even when watching on the web. Stretches. Weight training: superslow dumbbell overhead tricep extension, superslow front raise, superslow lateral raise, superslow shrug, advanced plank. Shower. Late meal: leftovers.