Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Weight training: reverse incline crunch. Usual oatmeal breakfast. At work today I skipped all my Workrave breaks and microbreaks, which is something I don't usually do. I feel I don't have time at work to take breaks anymore. Wah! Course website link update for student DM. Installed InDesign and removed Firefox software update failed problem for Cindy. Prepped pharm sci pathway requirements web updates for Cindy, sent them to her for review. Met with Susie, Sue A, and Barbara S about the School's self-study. Met with student KB about various computer problems. Helped Chris troubleshoot a computer problem; his USB hub was accidentally unplugged from power. Late lunch: Panda Express. My fortune: Be innovative, take charge of new ideas. Various LGBT viz followups, chatted briefly with Kevin on the phone. E-mail and name change followup. Listserv management. Helped Carol with the list of listservs. Purchases work: asked companies if they'll accept purchase orders with net 30 terms. Finalized my revised spreadsheet of cdwg orders and sent it to Valerie. Followup with 2 students about wireless. Responded to a student who needed advice for a virus-infected computer. Installed PharmAdMIT 2006 update 11 from Scott H for Scott E. Helped Chris troubleshoot a hibernation or standby problem. LGBT viz followup. Tidied e-mail folders and archived messages. Resolved a problem with our website in which newer versions of Opera received a text only version of the site—oops! Sorry, you 3 people who use Opera! It's fixed now! Dinner at home by myself: yakisoba stir fry with cow, baby bok choy, onions, garlic, and grated carrot. I used packaged noodles because I thought I would enjoy the convenience, but they smelled rather strange when I finally sat down to eat it. I ate it anyway; I'm forgiving sometimes that way. Dessert: Breyers strawberry orange ice cream bar. Worked on Danny's website: edited new services list, prepared a new gift certificates publication. Halloween costume research.