Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cut my hair. Usual oatmeal breakfast. Attempted to download Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tryout but when I clicked the Continue button I got the hourglass icon and nothing happened. I saw in the status bar that the request was still pending ("Waiting for"). Hit Esc. Clicked Continue—same thing. Let it sit for a few minutes and then gave up on that. Tried and saw similar problems—request was pending but nothing happened. It looks like the Adobe ftp site is not working: Error 425: Can't open data connection. Ugh. I was hoping to install the tryout and use it to throw together a mockup of Danny's new website before leaving for Kiana's birthday party, but I guess not. Patrick, Mom Ryan, and I drove down to Los Altos to help my niece Kiana celebrate her 2nd birthday. In attendance: Poppy, Dexter, Rob, Lani, Jeremy, Matthew; Lance, Shawn, Gracie, and Drew; Paul, Alex, and ?; Ron, May, and one-month-old Christian; Johnson, Chika, Samantha, and Julie; Corinna and Allison; Diane, David, and more. Alex, at 8 years old, demonstrated his knowledge of German. Home. Showered. Realized that I had been uploading duplicates of some of my old photos, started resolving that by deleting those sets that didn't have comments or weren't favorited. Downloaded Fireworks CS3 tryout. Patrick signed up recently for SkypeIn so that people can call a San Francisco number and reach him on his computer in China. It's only $60 a year for unlimited calls, and it includes voicemail. Uploaded photos to Flickr. Read from Harry Potter Year 7. Dinner at home with Patrick: baked chicken breast. Signed up for and installed Mozy for home computers backups.