Friday, December 22, 2006

Downloaded Ubuntu 6.10—I think my copy is at work and one of the laptops Tina brought is running Windows Me, so it's hard to deal with—some utilities won't work on Me. I don't know if Ubuntu's mp3 player will play music seamlessly, which is the only thing we need this laptop to do. We noticed yesterday that there's a 7 Eleven at 711 Market Street. How smart is that? Installed Snowfall, a beautiful OS X 3-D snowflakes screensaver to which Chris sent me a link. Patrick and I spent the day in the south bay at my sister's with Tina and Melissa. We are attacked by blanket blobs, play pillow fights and hide and seek and pickup sticks, and make provolones (Mexican sugar cookies). I take a series of photos of Matthew and a peanut butter sandwich. Afterwards Melissa introduced us to Dittmer's, a gourmet and specialty meat house (650-941-3800, 400 San Antonio Road, Mountain View). The line had 26 people waiting when we arrived—too long to wait for us. Home. I napped. Patrick prepped food for Sunday. Tina left to visit Jenny and her family. Watched episode 6 of Heroes with Patrick. Ubuntu actually didn't work for Tina's spare laptop—it was too slow. I also tried Xubuntu, and that worked better, but the media player wouldn't play any mp3 files, and I couldn't figure out why. The media player slider would run for a second or two for each song but no sounds came out of the speakers. Got Windows Me in a stable enough condition to work for what Tina needs it for. Stayed up late helping Tina with laptops. She had also accidentally locked her keys in her car and had to wait for the road service people to come out and help her.