Friday, December 15, 2006

Morning run: 5 minutes. Usual oatmeal breakfast. Answered questions about antifilesharing education for Cindy and Eric K. Made live final winter schedules for Lucia. Reported a problem with listservs. School of Pharmacy holiday party in the Millberry Union gym. I volunteered to be a helper, which meant that I handed out gifts to people who found others with nametags with matching stickers—a game to get people who don't know each other to learn about others in the school and what they do. They raffled 6 poinsettias and 2 gingerbread houses. Lucia won one of the gingerbread houses, and the other went to (I think) Patrick F's family. Retracted my problem report about listservs. Grad info web updates for Cindy. I learned a day or two ago that Office 2007 and Vista are already available to me as part of our unit's licensing deal with Microsoft, so I downloaded images and investigated system requirements to prepare for testing. The Office 2007 requirements don't look very stringent, and our nearly-5-year-old computers are just within (or questionably at) the lower limit of what Vista will run on. It seems Parallels is committed to supporting Vista. I haven't investigated about whether Boot Camp will or not, though I suspect it's still too early for Apple to say. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftovers. Watched episode 4 of Heroes. Dessert: leftover yule log from the holiday party.