Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Weight training: tricep kickback. Work. It's Scott's first day. He's our new admissions assistant. (James?) brought in welcome doughnuts, and I made a welcome sign. Set him up with a temporary account, worked out some bugs on the fly for him and James. Updated the administration org chart for Susie. Reconfigured some of our accounts so that I am delegate for them. Updated listservs for Claire. Reviewed the 2nd draft of the Ogilvy proposal for Susie. Prepared an announcement for Miles. Placed a request for an e-mail account for Scott. Assisted Joel and James with questions about availability of answers to questions about retaking courses. Helped an applicant with Form E—she had left the state field blank in the high school section because her high school was outside of the United States. (I told her to just put her country name in that field instead.) Reported a problem with UCSF Today to Julie. All pages were really slow, and one page would display only part of the page. Reminded Lucia that I'm still waiting on Steaven's UC ID to order his e-mail account. More SQLyog testing and troubleshooting. Updated health insurance information for Cindy and Adele. Lunch: takeaway from Subway. Late dinner by myself at Panda Express. Home. Worked on Corinna's website. Just after dinner while waiting for the bus I realized my left index finger had a 1.2-inch long cut, not very deep, but it hurt and was bleeding just a little. I had no recollection of my finger getting cut and could not recall what sharp objects I had come into contact with recently which might have been the cause.