Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Made live web edits for James. Listserv work. ImageBuilder work: I realize I needed a new unattended installer from Rick for Sophos. Helped Cindy with a problem with the Out of Office Assistant; fixed it tho now I can't remember if the fix was the Resiliency fix or reenabling the DLL in Help About. Responded to various student inquiries. Graduation e-mail work. Helped Betty-ann with a PowerPoint poster template and troubleshooting why the FedEx Kinko's software won't install on her brand new Toshiba Protege due to error 1722. Computer requirements work updating web pages. Called a mail order catalog company, asked for no more catalogs and "do not rent" please. I ate lunch on the steps outside of the library partly in the sun, partly in the shade. Panda bowl with chow mein, veggies, chicken and mushrooms. I read from Kavalier and Clay. My fortune: YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTENTMENT BY SUMMER'S END, which made me wonder who Summer was and when was I going to meet him? More workstation updates. Home. Snack: yogurt. Dinner at home with Patrick: frozen pizza. Weight training: dumbbell fly, standing dumbbell curl, bridge, plank. Snack: yogurt. Updated from TextWrangler 2.1.1 to 2.1.3. Archived a photo.