Monday, September 20, 2004

Took care of student account problems. Prepared a summary of the drop-in computer support and services session for the SCS group. Posted PDF forms for Joel for the career fair and placement interviews so employers could download them. Resent PHPM local pages for Bill S. Tried to upload files to AM for James and Scott—it wouldn't work so I sent Scott the error logs and posted the files to a non-public location for him to download. Late lunch: broccoli, zucchini, macaroni and cheese. Took care of student account problems. Chatted briefly with Adrian T who had stopped by to discuss a weird wireless problem—he lives off campus but can pick up a WAP called UCSF which is labelled "peer-to-peer." Chatted with Susie. Dinner at home with Patrick: plum plum pork chops (plum sauce and sliced plums), homemade mashed potatoes, spinach, boiled egg. We watched the first 35 minutes of a recording of Speed taped from TV while eating dinner. Stayed up late working on Lodestar. We're behind a little bit this quarter. Now all the works are coded except for drama. The new home page is done except for the lodestar bio and deck. We might be a day late, but I tell Patrick no one will notice.