Thursday, December 4, 2003

More great progress with the student directory on the web project. Data now displays on the page, and I can choose data sets and sort orders and see the data update immediately. Every third row is tinted in a light shade of our school blue. And during this testing I was able to fully test the keyboard shortcuts—both accesskey and Javascript shortcuts work very well. Page refreshes are surprisingly fast, even for a LAN connection, so I'm very pleased. There's still a fair amount of work to do, but this provides concrete data-out-of-the-database results I can see. Chatted with Mike R who stopped by to talk about unfinished network issues he needs to resolve from our move on November 1 (over one month now). Made some link updates for Sierra Alvis—her office name has changed from Office of Student Relations to Office of Student Life. Gave her some suggestions about broken redirects I discovered on her site in the process. Chatted with Cindy about my November timesheet. Refaxed the computer arms order to Hubert because I discovered today that he hadn't received the fax I sent on November 25. Paused a backup in progress because Melissa reported some speed problems with the server. Lunch with Joel at Nan King Road Bistro. Dinner at home with Patrick: Leftovers from Ha's. Helped Patrick study for a speech-play oration in Mandarin class tomorrow.