Saturday, January 18, 2003

Woke up around 2:00 AM, couldn't sleep. Read news and craigslist Queer Forum. Back to bed around 4:30 AM. Woke up around 11:00 AM. Patrick had gone to dance class. I tidied the house and did dishes. We intended to go to the Anti-War March and Rally downtown, but Patrick didn't get back from class until after 1:00 PM. We figured by the time we got there it would all be over, so instead we saw films at the Castro: Lady from Shanghai and Woman on the Run. We enjoyed the latter more than the former, and we generally agree with the user comments posted at Dinner at My Friend (415-626-5358, 599 Castro St) with Patrick: hot and sour soup, walnut prawns, garlic chicken. Patrick's fortune: You will have a long and healthy life. My fortune: You never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems. Patrick thought the walnut prawns were better than Four Season but not as good as Eric's. I agreed and liked that they were served on a bed of deep-fried rice noodles—something Eric's doesn't do. The noodles provide yet an additional welcome texture to an already multitextured dish. Very nice, my friend.