Friday, December 27, 2002

Breakfast with Patrick and Sam at Squat and Gobble in West Portal, exchanged gifts. Worked from home. Installed the new agent.php and swept the site cleaning up some references to the old code. Updated physical address zip codes which were incorrect. Added "USA" to all published addresses. Performed maintenance updates on the laptop. Tested VPN from Windows 2000. Made a lot of little site fixes: put in text only pages for older browsers and our homepage2 template, modified the stylesheet code so that unknown platforms and browsers get the most W3C-compliant stylesheet, fixed some link colors on homepage2 templates. A synccheck late today shows 114 files to be synched, but I need to filter out Debrah's and Kristina's and Cindy's change requests which haven't been approved for live yet. Grocery shopping at Safeway on Taraval. Frozen pizza for dinner at home with Patrick. After dinner I decide it's too risky to do a complete sync, so I'll wait for Cindy and Debrah to green-light their changes—Kristina's are successfully blocked. Watched episode 102 of Six Feet Under.