Monday, November 25, 2002

Lunch with Joel at You See Sushi. We talked about Bowling for Columbine, Michele. Worked on the student database. Helped Joel set up a wish list. He said, "It's all about me" or "Coz it's all about presents" or something like that. Dinner at home with Patrick: teriyaki salmon, zucchini, baked potato. Yum! Worked on Domenica's Web site, making significant progress. I fixed the IE clearance problem I had with a shaded box—I had forgotten to include a spacer DIV trick which I found on A List Apart. It's somewhat of a hack, so I was hesitant to include it, but it works, so I made the stylesheet issue the hacky code only for IE. It could have been worse. I separated the all-on-one-page page to its proper url (/year/) and got the local jump nav working. (It had to pull from the database to get its data, too.)