Saturday, March 30, 2002

I woke around 7:00 am. Brunch with Brian and Kelly at Grub. It was our first time to this restaurant since the Cuban restaurant which was in its place a year ago closed. Patrick and Kelly had the deep-fried french toast, Brian had the Santa Fe omelette, and I had the veggie benedict. We all shared a bowl of fruit salad. Kelly has quit eTranslate and is now working at Apple on iMovie. He loves his job; he hates his commute (driving 4 days, CalTrain on Fridays). Brian seems well. He told me in e-mail he recently narrowly kept his job. I'm glad he's still employed, but I didn't ask for details. After brunch we talked at B&K's for a while, then Patrick and I took a walk to see what For Rent signs we could find in the neighborhood. Patrick got tired soon afterward, we think either the antihistamine he took earlier or the sugar crash from his meal. Even some espresso didn't help, so we headed home and he took a nap while I updated the journal and did more of my taxes. Good news! After hours of looking over tax records, it seems I only owe about $221 to the IRS. This is fantastic because earlier before I figured out some answers for the questions in Turbo Tax, it thought I owed $1500. Months ago I thought I was going to owe something like $10000 so this is really great news. Watched Citizen Kane on DVD. It's Patrick's first viewing. He liked it, but he said Touch of Evil was better.