Thursday, December 21, 2023
Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, cacao nibs, toasted slivered almonds, toasted shaved coconut, diced half pear; hot water. Worked from home. Finalized and sent office closures and early release html email. Postdoc symposium followup. Followup with Julia S about the intern jobs listserv. Siteimprove linkchecking, spellchecking, and policy work. Lunch at home: leftover baked coconut-cilantro tilapia and leftover porcini mushroom tortelloni in vegetable soup, water. Met 1:1 with Eric. Built a postdoc symposium survey in Qualtrics with Frances P watching. Followup with A-Z List issues with Jill W and Eric G. Began DRU content redesign build following weeks of draft work. Dinner at home with Patrick: roasted smoked turkey with mashed potatoes and sautéed spinach, water. I washed dishes. Troubleshot Sonoma issues: how to stop click on wallpaper to reveal desktop (install Onyx, turn on Quit Finder, toggle the wallpaper switch, quit Finder?), file sharing broken (the solution that worked for me: travellerva, Nov 15, 2023 9:35 PM). Butcher block wood butter treatment. We watched various YouTube videos including 60 - MIN SPECIAL | Cirque du Soleil | CORTEO, LUZIA, VOLTA. Patrick went to bed. Continued troubleshooting external drive problems. Late snack: mild cheddar on toast, water.