Friday, December 15, 2023

Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, cacao nibs, toasted slivered almonds, toasted shaved coconut, diced half banana; hot water. Worked from home. Siteimprove linkchecking, spellchecking, and policy work. Ticket followup with Siteimprove. 1:1 with Eric including troubleshooting a problem in which search results include pages on test and dev sites. Lunch at home: garden vegetable soup, half avocado and sour cream quesadilla, water. Edited a news story for Suzan. Afternoon snack: one navel orange. HR update. Listserv followup with James F and Julia S. Dinner at home with Patrick: potstickers and steamed dumplings with dipping sauce, water. Cocktails: hot buttered bourbon. Christmas cards prep. We watched about half of Spirited on Apple TV+.