Thursday, September 7, 2023

Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, cacao nibs, toasted shaved coconut, sliced half banana; hot water. Worked from home. Siteimprove linkchecking and policy work. UFD edits. Yesterday I received a gift from Matt H and Lee Anne R for helping with their html email newsletter, so this morning I created a thank you card and sent it. Began prepping UFD html email. Lunch: leftover creamy polenta with ragù and toasted rosemary foccacia, water. Continued replaying The Room on my iPad Air. Afternoon snack: shrimp chips. Dinner at home with Patrick: dumplings (shrimp with chive and pork with cabbage) and green onion pancake from frozen from Asian American Food Company, water. Dessert for me only: a small piece of dark chocolate and one meyer lemon popsicle. We watched Foundation s2:e9 on Apple TV+ then various YouTube standup shorts. I walked in place while watching as I often do but fail to remember to record that here. Patrick went to bed. Late snack: rice crackers, water.