Thursday, July 6, 2023

Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, cacao nibs, toasted shaved coconut, toasted sliced almonds, blueberries; hot water. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Siteimprove linkchecking and policy work. Asana task followup. Published White Coat Ceremony program page and updated event page. Lunch at desk: leftover summer pasta salad with honey-lime dressing, water. Lots of task followup. CPCS Candy or Medicine? project work: identify and exclude inherited styling. Rode Muni to a hardware store in Cole Valley for some purchases. Rode Muni home. Rested a bit. Repaired a broken toilet handle arm, which was pretty simple. The chain needed some adjusting, which took a few tries, but it was easy enough. Began cleaning the mess from the failed bathtub caulk job I did last weekend. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftover rotisserie chicken, shrimp rolls using leftover shrimp salad, water. Afterwards we each had glass of white wine. I washed dishes. We watched Star Trek: Strange New Worlds s2:e4 on Paramount+ then part of Nimesh Patel - Full Special: Thank You China | Stand Up Comedy on YouTube. Patrick went to bed. Butcher block wood butter treatment.