Friday, May 26, 2023

Cleaned the bath tub and sink. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, cacao nibs, toasted slivered almonds, toasted shaved coconut, half diced banana; hot water with squeeze of half lemon. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Project work and 1:1 with Eric: entrepreneurship, strategic plan. Early office closure due to Memorial holiday weekend. Walked and rode Muni to lunch at Perilla (415-564-9980, 836 Irving Street): five spice chicken with imperial rolls and garlic noodles and broccoli, thai iced tea. About $23 after tax and tip. I hadn't had the garlic noodles here in a very long time, and on this visit they seemed to be missing something. I felt like they could have been more flavorful. Maybe more garlic? Maybe a few drops of sesame oil? Maybe the water needed salt? Alternately, if you're looking for garlic noodles that aren't too garlicky or salty, these might be perfect for you. The chicken is perfectly moist inside and crisp outside. It had two small pieces of tendon or gristle. The dish comes with two pieces of crunchy broccoli—blanched? This is still my favorite Vietnamese restaurant in the area. Rode Muni home. Sewing project: repaired my Abercrombie Adams Mountain jacket by hand (loose pocket) and machine (fray, overcasting). Patrick napped. Dinner at home with Patrick: pepperoni pizza from Fiorella via DoorDash, water. I was still full from my larger-than-usual lunch and could eat only one slice. We watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel s5:e9 (season finale) on Amazon Prime Video. Patrick washed dishes then went to bed. At Patrick's request I duplicated an old home movie DVD of Patrick doing tai chi. I encountered some trouble with a disc stuck inside an Apple Superdrive. A lot of suggestions on the web did not work. The drive didn't mount or appear in Disk Utility, so there was nothing to select then right-click and choose Eject. My keyboard did not have an eject button. Command line drutil eject did nothing. I resolved it by restarting into recovery mode then ejecting it from Disk Utility.