Friday, July 22, 2022

Swapped bamboo drawer boxes due to needing a large drawer bedside. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, toasted and slivered almonds, cacao nibs, and diced half banana; water. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. D9 front-end work all day. Met with Anne about the new alumni page. Orgchart work. Upgraded Docker from version 4.4.2 to 4.10.1 and nothing bad happened. Lunch: leftover Martha Stewart's farfalle (brown rice) with cream cheese, dill, smoked salmon, red onion, and capers. Water from my water bottle. UCSF town hall. Rode Muni home. Snack: tortilla chips. Lateish dinner at home with Patrick: braised zucchini and cannellini beans on polenta, water. Dessert: we shared a slice of chocolate cake, milk to drink. We watched various movie trailers on YouTube then The Simpsons s33:e3 Treehouse of Horror XXXIII on Hulu Basic Plan. Patrick went to bed. I washed dishes.