Sunday, May 1, 2022
Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, toasted pecans, and sliced half banana; water to drink. (I haven't always specified "half" but when it's a banana I have been usually using only half a banana since around January this year.) More linkchecking for home websites. Updates and backups and screen cleaning for home devices. Cleaned some and set up our outdoor table and chairs. Lunch at home with Patrick: delivery from Hall of Flame via Uber Eats: fried chicken sandwiches, Patrick's side was french fries, my side was a salad, we also ordered onion rings. Water to drink. I had only a few fries and onion rings. Weeded in the back yard. Cut my hair, showered. Rested. We finished watching Finch on Apple TV+. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftover french fries and onion rings for Patrick, leftover salad for me, leftover lemon-cauliflower soup for both. We watched various YouTube videos including President Biden and Trevor Noah at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Patrick went to bed. I washed dishes. Late snacks: leftover salad, half banana with peanut butter, water.