Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Had a bit of trouble sleeping last night, so I slept in a bit. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk and blueberries; water to drink. Reported a websites availability problem to John K who resolved the issue quickly with Acquia. Notified site owners and editors about the outage. Edited a news story for Levi. The F key on my 2017 MacBook Pro keyboard stopped working and then popped off almost by itself. I cleaned the key and the keyboard area first with compressed air then with a lint-free cloth. I popped the key back in and it works most of the time but still feels a bit flaky. This even after I had the keyboard replaced by Apple once. The websites availability problem returned. Chatted in email with Lucia. Reported a separate website outage to IT on behalf of Julia H. Lunch at home: leftovers from dinner last night, water. Fletch stopped by briefly so that we could share some of the lemon (Patrick says cupcakes but I say muffins). Met with Anne to review Asana tasks and discuss people pages and orgcharts, among other things. Researched focus group articles for Anne. Cocktails with Patrick: he made us one La Louisiane each. Dinner at home with Patrick: veggie burger with sliced tomato and baby kale on whole grain brioche with a side of onion rings and ketchup. Water to drink. Afterwards we watched Daredevil s2:e8 on Netflix instant watch. I walked in place while we watched. Dessert: one cupcake or muffin each. Afterwards Patrick went to bed. I washed dishes then upgraded from macOS Catalina to macOS Monterey on Patrick's MacBook Pro in an attempt to resolve the problem mentioned yesterday with the TV app. While waiting for the installation, I continued reading from The Jungle Around Us by Anne Raeff which I had started in the past few days. Walked somewhat while reading. The Monterey upgrade was successful, and it resolved the problem with the TV app. The only problem I discovered was that the wired etherent connection via a Belkin Thunderbolt 3 Express Dock failed to connect as expected. Not a big problem in this case since he's in the same room as the router, but one of our backup systems for now will need to connect over wifi instead of wired.