Thursday, January 13, 2022

Walked and ran in place while playing Frogger in Toy Town, The Enchanted World, and Spyder on Apple Arcade on Apple TV. Deleted The Enchanted World because it was too hard to swipe to pick up and move objects on the Apple Remote and because it seemed more for young kids than adults. I spent more time with Spyder and died walking across a desk that was electrified but there seemed to have been no clue that it was. Played The Get Out Kids for a few minutes before deleting it; too boring, too much for young kids than adults. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, blackberries, roasted sliced almonds; warmed slice of banana bread; water to drink. All day: continued prep for BTS email newsletter, rebrand the update from the dean email newsletter, D7 styling: resolved a vertical tabs issues for web editors. Afternoon snack: Patrick today made whole-wheat chocolate-chip-and-date cookies, and I had one. He froze the rest for later. Dinner at home with Patrick: grilled cheese and side salad with cherry tomatoes, water, red wine. Afterwards we finished watching Eternals on Disney+. Break. We watched The Book of Boba Fett s1:e3 on Disney+. I walked in place while we watched both. Patrick went to bed. OCRd and archived documents that Lani shared after visiting with Mom and a notary today.