Friday, November 12, 2021
Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, blackberries; water to drink. OSACA server access followup. D8 front end work all day. D8 meeting with Eric and James. Lunch at home: leftover tomato soup, Uncle Sam cereal with milk, blackberries, water. Pulled some weeds in the back yard. Worked in the back yard in the sun for a while. Some D7 work: admin menu font size for Eric. Dinner at home with Patrick: Martha Stewart's salmon shiitake jasmine rice bowls, water. Dessert for me: Greek finikia cookie, mocha hot chocolate (from packet). I washed dishes. We watched various YouTube videos then one hour of Beasts of the Southern Wild on Netflix DVD. Patrick went to bed. Packaged for return another carbon crystal panel heater that failed to perform as expected due to faulty wiring.